The House Impeachment Inquiry Resolution could deny Americans what should be the most important aspect of the inquiry – the truth about what happened. As with any allegation, there are always multiple sides, and it is important to hear all of them. Unfortunately, the Resolution eliminates the tools which the American system of jurisprudence uses to reveal all of the facts and not just those which the prosecution chooses to present. The Resolution does not guarantee the ability for the President to be represented by counsel, cross-examination of witnesses, release of testimony from witnesses who appeared prior to the Resolution, or ability for the Republicans to argue for the subpoenas of witnesses. Without these rights, it is impossible to have a complete understanding of the events and thus render a just decision. Specifically, the following bodies would be acting on incomplete information: the House if it votes on impeachment, the Senate if it votes on conviction and removal, and the American people when they vote on reelection. This process is too important to be operating with incomplete information. The House should revise its Resolution so that all of the facts and the truth are presented.
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